The TEACH Early Childhood® Scholarship Program provides scholarships and comprehensive support to early learning educators and directors, family child care educators and owners, out-of-school-time educators, and child care facility owners. Funded by the Florida Division of Early Learning, the program makes higher education more attainable by offering a variety of scholarships for early learning credentials, college credits and certificates, and degrees in early childhood education or related fields.

The TEACH Florida Program:

  • Is part of a comprehensive national strategy that links professional development, increased compensation, and a commitment to remain in the early learning profession – Teacher Education And Compensation Helps.
  • Works with more than 50 approved training programs, colleges, and universities
  • Covers up to 90% tuition and books for active scholars
  • Provides a per-semester stipend to help scholars cover school-related expenses
  • Gives financial bonuses and additional supports to both scholars and their sponsoring programs (employers)

TEACH Florida Successes:

  • Since 1998, more than 72,000 scholarships have been awarded to over 47,500 scholars
  • The turnover rate for TEACH scholars is less than 7 percent, compared to the national average of 30-40%
  • Nearly 99% of scholars and sponsors state that they would recommend TEACH to others
  • More than 615,200 young children across the state have benefited from their early learning programs participating in TEACH

Visit the TEACH Early Childhood® National Center to learn more about how this program has provided access to debt-free college education, better compensation, and job stability in the early learning workforce since 1990.

For more information, please call our TEACH office us at
877-FL-TEACH (358-3224)
